Classics Spin, Take 2

The Classics ClubI had fun with the Classics Club Spin the first go ’round, so am joining up again. It’s simple, really. Make a list of twenty books selected from your Classics Club list. Wait for the Club to pick a number. Read the corresponding book on your list.

I’m hoping my pick this time is as good as Orlando was during round one!

My Spin List:

1. Metamorphoses
2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
3. The Color Purple
4. Palace of Desire
5. Silent Spring
6. The Golden Bowl
7. Up From Slavery
8. Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases
9. An American Tragedy
10. Pale Fire
11. Memories of My Melancholy Whores
12. Belinda
13. Wuthering Heights
14. Narrative of Sojourner Truth
15. Song of Solomon
16. The Master and Margarita
17. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
18. Beloved
19. The Scarlet Pimpernel
20. The Souls of Black Folk

The spin # was 6, so I’ll be reading The Golden Bowl by Henry James. Yay!

22 thoughts on “Classics Spin, Take 2

  1. I officially envy anyone who gets to read The Master and Margarita for the first time 🙂 (Assuming this is not a re-read for you.)

    We both have Beloved under 18, spooky. 🙂 Good luck with the spin!

    • It would be my first time! It’s actually one of the more intimidating (to me) books on my list, so the more people tell me they love it the better I feel about it 🙂

  2. Number three would be top of my list, with a fervent hope that number thirteen doesn’t turn up. I have never been able to come to terms with ‘Wuthering Heights’

  3. Pingback: Classic’s Spin 2 | Several, Four, Many

  4. I see that we have some of the same books on our lists! Beloved, The Color Purple, and Souls of Black Folk are also on my list. I put Sula and you picked Song of Solomon. I hope you end up with a great book!

  5. The Golden Bowl? That’s one I don’t know at all. Good luck with it.
    (I got Tess as a reread which I’m very happy to revisit).

  6. Pingback: Classics Spin, Take 3 | Wandering in the Stacks

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